Thursday, October 22, 2015

One more day!

I hope everyone's ready for release tomorrow! I'm not sure exactly what time I'll be posting so please don't wait up late tonight for a midnight release. I will TRY to get it up by midnight tonight, but no guarantees. I'm ironing out some minor details, and choosing a download client to upload my files onto.

I will try to keep everyone posted on when the download will be ready so that everyone can get it as soon as they can, so please be patient :)

The wait is almost over!


  1. The hype train just keeps on running =)

  2. HYPE!!!!!!!!! "This is going to be stupid" - No one ever I am sooooooooOOOOOOOOOOO000000000000000000000 EXCITEEEEEEEEEEEEEED!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. will the link come with a tutorial on how to download it?

  4. Playing the waiting game... playing to win...

  5. To muchhh hypeee cant waitttt!!!!!

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. This is gonna be some awesome! Thanks for putting a ton of work into this epic mod, TheBronzegreekgod!

  8. Today will be a day to remember

  9. Hmmmmm... Hey Bronze, is everything okay??? It's WAAAAAaaaaaayyyy past when you said you were going to upload it.

    1. When did he say he was gonna upload it?

    2. He said "I'll be posting so please don't wait up late tonight for a midnight release" And that was yesterday, so maybe he meant early today or late today i dont know. But the wait is killing me lol. Hes doing a killer job on this.

  10. It would be so badass if you made a single orb work in a way similar to Ocarina of Time where, if Link, or perhaps anyone really, hits it, it goes back to Ganon and he can delfect it with his side special; with each successful deflection leaving him in the air for longer. However, if it hits Ganon after being reflected, he gets shocked like in the game and is on the ground breathing heavily, similar to how when he is stunned in the boss fight; leaving him open for a punish; with the duration of said punish being based on how long the orb fight lasted for. So, one reflection is like one second, another is two (maybe that is too little, though this does start after he reaches the ground first) and so on.

    I feel like that sounds too complex for Brawl modding, but I think that would be fantastic to see in a fight against Ganon. But, this mod is still perfection at its finest and I have to say it does rival the unreleased Waluigi mod quite well. Hell, I think it beat it because you did do all of this in such a short period of time. Or, perhaps, you were doing it in a very long period of time, but just did not tell us until now.

    Either way, I give lots of props to you. You actually gave us a very cool Ganon moveset, one that we perhaps envisioned in our heads, but never knew how to even begin its conception. You were the conceiver of the true Ganon and that is an honor that will be held highly for many years to come. Even after Lyn and Knuckles show up, I know Ganon will still be the funnest character to play as in Project M now. Well, Lyn might rival him as she did look pretty slick, but I hear that she might have been canned so, if so, Ganon might be my favorite character due to how well his Ocarina of Time form is copied here.

    1. To say that it beat the Waluigi mod is subjective. And everybody has their own different struggles with Life outside of modding

    2. Not really. If it has better animations, it pretty much did. Of course, I can go several different paths with what you said, but this is a respectable place so I will not sully it with arbitrary arguments.

      All I know now is that Ganon is probably hitting the web at like midnight or so. Look forward to playing as him so much!

  11. For those of you that are curious about what's wrong, here's something he posted on Twitter around 20mins before this comment
    "Almost ready guys! Just give me a little more time. I'm aiming for an 8-9:00 release. Thanks for your patience!"

    1. Cool thanks for the update! Whats his twitter by the way? I might have missed it.

